West Way, Hounslow

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Project Details

The project involved the demolition of a detached 20c house in Hounslow, London and the construction of a two and a half-storey block of 5 one and two-bedroom flats, with communal and private amenity space, together with off-street parking.

The development site is a corner plot, adjacent to a public amenity space. The surrounding area comprises domestic scale residential dwellings.

The residential development consists of two flats at both ground and first floors levels, with a fifth flat located within the roof space. The building is set back from the boundaries, providing amenity space to the side and rear of the property and off-street parking to the front.

The building has a traditional design, which reinforces and enhances the street environment and provides a prominent focal point at the junction between the two main roads. The ground floor consists of red brick, complimented by painted rendered walls at first floor level and the roof gable ends. The render is sub-divided into traditional panels by using painted timbers.

As the location of the site is underneath a flight path in close proximity to Heathrow Airport, it was important to develop a strategy to reduce the impact of the aircraft noise upon the development. This was achieved through a combination of a continuous mechanical extract system for each residential unit, acoustic humidity control ventilators, double glazed windows and doors and careful detailing. This produced an overall sound reduction through the fabric of the building that provided an acceptable internal environment for the occupants.

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